Our Featured Artist!

Brittney Green

Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of our local artist. Explore her creative works and be inspired.

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  • Inspiration

    Brittney is a Columbus native preparing to become a marine biologist when she discovered another path. Overcoming self doubt, she ventured into the world of visual storytelling.

  • Motivation

    She released her first comic series in 2017. Since then she's continued to deelop her craft, increasing the passion she imbues her stories with. She's worked with many different artist building a communal vision.

  • Dedication

    To date, she has over 5 active series with over 21 concepts in production. Her focus is to break into the film industry, where she can use her talents to changes the lives of her partners and audiences.

  • D.E.Agents

    Immerse yourself in this captivating tale as vigilantes clash with enigmatic criminals in the shadows of a gritty city.

  • Power Players of Jiu-Jitsu

    Join us in a world filled with adventure and camaraderie as each martial artist navigates their path within Jiu-Jitsu. Expect surprises!

  • Torn Veil

    Unlock new perspectives and challenge your beliefs with her immersive comic on the philosophical and psychological journey toward freedom.

Comic Spotlight